
Websites of the degree programs

Please see:

Elective modules – Bachelor and Master LSE

Elective modules from the FAU-range (Module B 9 in the Bachelor LSE, Module M 12 in the Master LSE): Please see the FAQ in German.

Student Service Centre Department CBI

Do you have questions about our degree programs? The Study Service Center (SSC) will be happy to help you with questions regarding applications to the degree program, the course of studies, master degree programs, planning a stay abroad, perspectives in the event of dropping out of studies, industrial internships and many other matters.
Please contact us!

Study programs CBI, CEN, CEP and LSE: Student Service Centre CBI

Study program Energy Technology: Student Service Centre ET

Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counseling

In case of difficulties in your studies (exam anxiety, learning difficulties, integration difficulties, illness…) as well as in your private life (loneliness, family problems, addictions…) you can make use of the Counselling and Psychological Services of the Faculty of Engineering or the Studentenwerk. In both cases, “open consultation hours” are offered, but an appointment is strongly recommended!

Examination periods

The examinations of the Faculty of Engineering are held in two examination periods:

1st examination period – two weeks directly after the end of the lecture period.

2nd examination period – usually three weeks before the beginning of the following semester.

An overview of the dates of the upcoming examination periods can be found on the website of the examination office: Examination Periods/Faculty of Engineering

Examination dates

Written examinations are scheduled centrally by the examination office of the Faculty of Engineering. Examination dates are usually announced at the latest during the registration period of the Faculty of Engineering (see Registration Periods for examinations/Faculty of Engineering).
You can find out more about exam scheduling here: Examination dates/Faculty of Engineering

Degree Program and Examination Regulations (FPO)

The Degree Program and Examination Regulations (Fachprüfungsordnung (FPO)) provides important information about your studies, so it is worth knowing it from the beginning. The FPO contains, among other things, the study plan, the regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, names the GOP modules and regulates the transition from Bachelor’s to Master’s studies. There is a separate FPO for each degree program. It supplements the General Study and Examination Regulations for the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at the Faculty of Engineering at FAU – ABMPO/TechFak. If you are looking for information in your FPO and cannot find it, please have a look at the ABMPO. In all likelihood, you will find the answer to your question here.

The degree program and examination regulations (your FPO and ABMPO) can be found on the homepage of the examination office:

Degree Program and Examination Regulations/Faculty of Engineering

Project planning course

The project planning course is a compulsory module in the master programs CBI, CEN and LSE. It is a block course offered twice a year (usually in March and September/October) with the aim of carrying out the project planning of a chemical or biochemical production plant in small groups. The project planning course should be taken after the 2nd semester at the earliest, since the specialized knowledge from the earlier semesters is required for successful participation. To learn more about the project engineering course, please visit the CBI/CEN/LSE project planning course website.

Registration takes place via Campo (see registration period for module exams: Examination Office/Faculty of Engineering) as well as via StudOn (usually in the first two weeks of lectures). The StudOn registration dates can be found in Campo and on the homepage of the project planning course.

Master’s Thesis

The Master’s thesis is regulated in the ABMPO (General Study and Examination Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs at the FAU Faculty of Engineering) and in the FPO (Program-specific Examination Regulations).

ABMPO, especially section 32 Master’s thesis: ABMPO/TechFak

FPO CBI/CEN/LSE/: Section 43 Master’s thesis

FPO CEP: Section 50 Master’s thesis

FPO ET: Section 48 Master’s thesis

For CBI/CEN/ET/LSE see FAQs on the German website

Industrial internship ET

For the Bachelor Energy Technology a practical vocational activitity of 6 weeks and for the Master of Energy Technology of 8 weeks has to be proven.
The number of weeks pertains to a full-time internship. In case of part-time work (at least 8h/week), the number of weeks must be extended accordingly.

The internship office of the Department EEI is responsible for the recognition. All information can be found on the website of the Internship Office.