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Degree Program and Examination Regulations (FPO)
The Degree Program and Examination Regulations (Fachprüfungsordnung (FPO)) provides important information about your studies, so it is worth knowing it from the beginning. The FPO contains, among other things, the study plan, the regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s theses, names the GOP modules and regulates the transition from Bachelor’s to Master’s studies. There is a separate FPO for each degree program. It supplements the General Study and Examination Regulations for the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at the Faculty of Engineering at FAU – ABMPO/TechFak. If you are looking for information in your FPO and cannot find it, please have a look at the ABMPO. In all likelihood, you will find the answer to your question here.
The degree program and examination regulations (your FPO and ABMPO) can be found on the homepage of the examination office:
Degree Program and Examination Regulations/Faculty of Engineering