
Industrial internship CBI, CEN, LSE

In the Master’s degree programs CBI, CEN, LSE an industrial (mandatory) internship of at least 12 weeks must be completed. The internship is to be carried out in an industrial company according to the guidelines, see: Industrial internship CBI/CEN/LSE.

Please note that the “mandatory” period is only 12 weeks. From the 13th week onwards, a voluntary internship begins for you. Please note the information about the minimum wage: Industrial Internship CBI/CEN/LSE (available in German only).

The internship office can issue a document stating that the internship is mandatory if this is desired by the company. However, we ask you to kindly refer to Annex 2 of the Degree Program and Examination Regulations of the respective degree program first, since the industrial internship is included in the curriculum as a compulsory module: Degree program and Examination Regulations/Faculty of Engineering.

For the recognition of the industrial internship of CBI, CEN, LSE, an internship certificate (not a report!) has to be handed in to the internship office via email:

GOP – Grundlagen und Orientierungsprüfung

The fundamentals and orientation examination (in German: “Grundlagen- und Orientierungsprüfung (GOP)) consists of 6  (CEP: 7) module examinations amounting to 40 (Energy Technology: 42.5) ECTS credits.
The GOP is passed when 30 ECTS of these have been earned.
The GOP examinations may only be repeated once in the event of failure (other examinations may be repeated three times).
The GOP must be taken in the first two semesters (at the latest in the third).

The GOP in the Bachelor’s degree program LSE comprises the following modules: Mathematik für LSE 1 (Mathematik D1, 1. Semester), Experimentalphysik (1. Semester), Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie (1. Semester), Mikrobiologie (1. Semester), Bioanalytik (2. Semester) and Bioprozesstechnik mit Hauptseminar (2. Semester). If you have not passed the exam of Experimentalphysik, for example, this is no reason to panic. You must pass Bioanalytik and Bioprozesstechnik mit Hauptseminar in the summer semester and your GOP is therefore passed. The Experimentalphysik exam is then no longer a GOP for you and you can repeat it three times.

The GOP in the Bachelor’s degree programs CBI and CEN is almost identical and comprises the following modules: Mathematik D1 (1. Semester), Experimentalphysik (1. Semester), Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie (1. Semester), Statik und Festigkeitslehre (1. Semester), Werkstoffkunde (2. Semester) and Chemische und Biologische Prozesstechnik mit Einführungsprojekt (CBPT, CBI) respectively Chemische Prozesstechnik mit Einführungsprojekt (CPT, CEN) (2. Semester). This is similar to the Bachelor’s degree program LSE: if you have failed the the exam in Experimentalphysik, for example, you must pass Werkstoffkunde and C(B)PT in the summer semester in order to pass the GOP.

The GOP in the bachelor’s degree program CEP includes the following modules: Mathematics I and II, Foundations of Chemical reaction engineering, Physics I, Renewable Energies, Introduction to Interface Engineering and Electrochemistry. These modules amout to a total of 40 ECTS of which you must have accumulated 30 ECTS points in the first two to maximum three semesters. Once you have passed the GOP, you can repeat the other exams three times.

The GOP in the Bachelor’s degree program in Energy Technology comprises the following modules: Mathematik für ET 1 und ET 2, Werkstoffe und ihre Struktur, Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik I und II, chemische Grundlagen der Energietechnik und Werkstoffe: Mechanische Eigenschaften und Verarbeitung (these lectures are part of the module: Mechanische Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe and Materialien für Regenerative-Energie-Anwendungen). This is a total of 42.5 ECTS of which you must have collected 30 ECTS points in the first two to maximum three semesters. Once you have passed the GOP, you can repeat the other examinations three times.

Student association FSI CBI

Are you a new student and have questions about your studies or have you been here for a while and would like to volunteer for the interests of your fellow students?
Then please contact the FSI CBI.

You can find out more about the FSI here: Student association FSI CBI.

Homepage FSI CBI:

Email address:

Module Chemical Thermodynamics/Interfaces in Process Engineering

In the timetable of the 4th semester of the bachelor degree programs CBI and CEN you will find, among others, the following courses: “Chemical Thermodynamics” and “Interfaces in Process Engineering”. Together they form the module “Fundamentals of VT 1 – Phase Equilibria and Interfaces” (7.5 ECTS). At the end of the semester, an exam is written that consists of both parts.

Leave of absence

You can take a leave of absence from your studies, f.ex. because of a semester abroad as an exchange student or an industrial internship (or also because of illness, pregnancy, taking care of a close relative…). The application must be submitted to the Student Records Office of FAU, see Application for Leave of Absence and Guidelines for Leave of Absence: Website of the Student Records Office. For international students: Please check with the Foreigner’s Office which rules apply in your case and if a leave of absence can be taken!

The application should normally be submitted by the beginning of the lecture period. Retroactive leave of absence for semesters already completed (or after the lecture period) is not possible.

A leave of absence in the 1st semester with the purpose of an industrial internship or a stay abroad is not possible. For more information, see the guidelines for leave of absence from studies on the website of the student records office.

Important for exam planning: during the leave of absence, no first exams can be taken, only repeat exams. Repeat exams (second and third attempt) must even be taken! In this case it is advisable to consult the examination office. The staff member of the examination office can deregister you from the repeat examination.

Bachelor’s Thesis

The Bachelor’s thesis is regulated in the ABMPO (General Study and Examination Regulation for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs at the FAU Faculty of Engineering) and in the FPO (Program-specific Examination Regulations).

ABMPO, especially § 27 Bachelor thesis: ABMPO/TechFak

FPO CBI/CEN/LSE/ET, in particular § 40 Bachelor thesis (for ET: § 42): Examination regulations/TechFak

Short summary (please read the mentioned § of ABMPO and the respective FPO!):

  • Admission requirement is the acquisition of at least 110 ECTS credits and the successful completion of the Fundamentals and Orientation Examination (GOP).
  • The topic of the Bachelor’s thesis is assigned by a university lecturer from the department of Chemical and Biological Engineering working full-time at the Faculty of Engineering (for ET: the TF, § 42 FPOET) (see FPO). Topics can be found here and on the notice boards and websites of the chairs.
  • Topic and date of starting the thesis have to be communicated to the examination office (informal notification by supervisor, chair if applicable). The chairs usually have their own templates. If necessary, this document can be used in consultation with the supervisor).
  • The time from the assignment of the topic to the submission of the Bachelor thesis is approx. 360 hours (3-5 months) and can only be extended by a maximum of one month upon justified application (exception by medical certificate, see ABMPO § 27 (4)).
  • The Bachelor thesis and its results are to be presented in a presentation of max. 30 minutes followed by a discussion.
  • A failed Bachelor thesis can be repeated once (see ABMPO § 27 (5)).


Going abroad

Erasmus, mobility in Europe: Partner universities of Department CBI
Students of Energy Technologies have the possibility to use Erasmus cooperation of the departments CBI, EEI and WW.

International partnerships of the Faculty of Engineering: Partner universities of Faculty of Engineering

Partner universities in FAU’s direct exchange program (for students of all faculties): Partner universities of FAU

Free Mover: You can also spend a semester at a university abroad outside of an FAU exchange program. Studying abroad as a “free mover” means that you must clarify study opportunities, admission requirements, financing (tuition fees are usually not waived!) with the foreign university on your own. You can find more information about this on the FAU website.

Registration for module examinations/laboratory courses

For registration in module examinations (exams, oral exams, lab courses…) a registration via Campo is necessary. Registration takes place during the registration period of the Faculty of Engineering (see Registration Periods/Faculty of Engineering). For the first attempt you have to register yourself. You can withdraw up to three working days before the first date (recommended: one week in advance). Withdrawal is possible via Campo. After that withdrawal is only possible with a medical certificate. You will be automatically registered for the second and third attempt and the “three days rule” no longer applies (only with a medical certificate).

Important! For lab courses, registration via StudOn is usually required in addition to registration via Campo. You will usually be informed about this in the first lecture of the module or by email.

Recognition of study achievements

Recognition of industrial internship: Industrial internship CBI/CEN/LSE

Recognition of internship: Internship CEP

Recognition for degree programs CBI/CEN/LSE: Recognition of academic achievements

Recognition for stays abroad: Going abroad

Recognition for degree programme Energy Technology (ET): Recognition of academic achievements ET