Offers for pupils/teachers

Upcoming student fairs and events:
- 17. – 18.04.2024: Vocatium Erlangen
- 25.04.2024: Girls’ Day
- 08.05.2024: Vocatium Fürth
- 02. – 03.07.2024: Vocatium Nürnberg
Information events
As part of the ProfiS program, professors from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBI) offer to visit schools to give a presentation of about 30 minutes on an exciting topic from their current research.
It is very important to us to present scientific and technical subjects to students in an exciting way and to show how valuable they are for our everyday lives.
Target group: | Pupils in grade 11 or higher |
Subject: | Chemistry, biology, physics or scientific-technical subjects. |
Cost: | Free of charge |
The focus of our current program is sustainability. This offer is available for schools in Germany only.
The FAU Studieninfotage take place each year in September.
We introduce you to our degree programs at FAU, give you insights into job perspectives of our degree programs and possibilities to study abroad.
This offer is in German only.
Further information, advice and contact:
The Faculty of Engineering offers a wide range of study opportunities. During the “Schnupperuni”, an information event, pupils from the 10th grade onwards can get to know our faculty and many study programs including those of our department up close. Interested pupils can take part in live experiments, exercises and laboratory tours for study orientation and also get to know students and lecturers. Of course, there is also the opportunity to ask questions about studying and to get advice on study programs.
The next “Schnupperuni” will take place 30.10. – 03.11.2023
- For girls in grades 5 through 11.
Girls can gain an insight into technical degree programs at various stations where live experiments and exercises are conducted. The program is in German.
The Förderkreis Ingenieurstudium e.V., with its office located at the Faculty of Engineering, promotes the engineering profession and engineering studies to students, parents and teachers. With its projects, the association contributes to the exchange of information between schools, universities, research institutions, engineering associations and companies. In addition, activities are promoted and initiated to increase the attractiveness of the subjects physics, mathematics, engineering, chemistry and biology.
Contact and activities: see website of Förderkreis Ingenieurstudium and website of Faculty of Engineering
You are a teacher and would like to visit us with your school class?
You are a high school student and organize an information event?
Please contact us! We will be happy to create a suitable program for you.
Past events: